Posts Tagged ‘Ottawa yoga classes’

Ahead by a century…

Shortly after my last blog post, someone I respect and admire asked me to explain the concept of enlightenment.  I enthusiastically agreed, after all, I have had faith forever and practiced and taught yoga for years. Oh, how my ego takes me down every time.  I’ve mentioned before, I’m a … Read more

Big Toes and Kaleidoscopes…

I have been struggling with my feet lately, and honestly, this is a little hard on my ego.  I am a yogini, and for that matter a Pisces, we are supposed to have good strong feet.  Also, I really like pretty shoes and these days if I wear them for … Read more

Wearing Nothing but a Smile….

It really is wonderful how in the last decade, yoga has become much more mainstream.  It hasn’t been that long since the only yoga classes you could find were in the back of a random health food store or the basement of the local church.  Now, there are beautiful yoga … Read more

Man/Woman’s Best Friend…Downward Dog

Remember when we were kids and we used to hang upside down all the time…from the monkey bars, in trees, and on the back of the couch while watching Sesame Street.  We knew what we were doing, well, maybe not for everything.  We may not have known our right from … Read more

Do the leggings make the yogi?

I have 27 pairs of yoga leggings.  That may seem excessive, well, because it is a bit.  I could justify this by explaining some are fleece lined, some are capris, but honestly yoga leggings, like peanut butter cups and tree pose, are my kryptonite. Much to my absolute delight, yoga … Read more

Spring is here…maybe…

Ahhh, spring!  The snow is melting, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, spring is definitely here…well maybe.  I live in Ottawa and spring can be fickle, especially in the beginning it plays with our mind a little bit.  You smell it in the air and the next morning … Read more

The Space Between…

Sometimes when I am teaching, particularly a Hatha class or maybe a Vinyasa Flow and I invite the students to pause for a moment, I can almost feel the wave of annoyance ripple through the room.  What!? Pause!? We don’t want to pause. We don’t have time to pause.  Go, … Read more


This title amuses me, which is ironic, because I wrote it.  I am not fearless.  I fear many things; those dark scary ones we all have, to the milder, somewhat unique fears probably exclusive to me.  Also, I believe some fears are necessary.  They are why we have survived as … Read more

If you can breathe, you can do yoga…

I love yoga, it’s a love affair I’ve had for years.  I loved yoga before I moved to Ottawa, before I was married all those years ago, before I became a mother, not so many years ago.  If you think of the Coca-Cola jingle, yet modify the words “I’d like … Read more

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