Posts Tagged ‘Yoga Philosophies’

When the world turns black…
Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and sometimes that curveball is actually a cannon ball, and it’s been covered in gasoline, lit on fire and thrown directly into your heart. Grief is a strange thing, it’s completely universal, and totally personal. And sometimes, in the depths of it, you truly … Read more

“Making your way in the world today…
…takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.” If you are of a certain age, or into retro tv, you know this theme song to the popular show Cheers. It was so beloved in our house, my sister’s boyfriend (now husband) would … Read more

$110 and three demerit points…
So, I got a ticket, it cost me $110 and three demerit points. I’ve never had a demerit point before, in fact, I didn’t even know how the whole demerit point system worked before this ticket, I can tell you now though. Generally, I am a very good driver however, … Read more

108 ways to spring clean…
Years ago, I was working a crazy job, with crazy hours and really didn’t have much else going on. So, through much pondering and discussion I decided to adopt a dog. I was pretty specific with what I was looking for. I wanted a blonde, female lab type dog approximately … Read more

The Seventh Sense…
Do you remember growing up learning about your five senses? Maybe you can even still picture the cardboard cut-outs on your kindergarten wall with the drawings of sight, taste, smell, sound and touch. Who knew that neurologists believe we have between 9 and 21 senses, perhaps some did, but I … Read more

Live Out Loud Everyday
I love living in Kanata, it’s a great suburb of a great city, with great neighbours, restaurants and my favorite yoga studio. However, I will forever be charmed for all things Montreal. From great fashion, to cool architecture to a particularly smart nephew with a great laugh. Live Out Loud … Read more

Jedi Mind Tricks
So, recently pink eye, an ear infection, a respiratory virus and the shingles all hit our house all in the same week. I would love to say I handled this week with the grace and strength of a good vinyasa flow, but honestly, upon the last diagnosis I crawled into … Read more

Prop me up…
Just a little over a year ago, I was team teaching a charity class at Beyond Yoga Studio & Wellness Centre. In typical baby girl fashion, I had asked to teach first so once my turn was done, I could soak up the vibes of Carole and Diane’s instruction. Our … Read more

C’mon Baby Light My Fire…
So, it’s January in Ottawa. And while it’s almost over, and really hasn’t been particularly brutal, the blahs just always seem to set in. While I know very well that blah isn’t actually a technical term, don’t you start to feel that way as winter just drags on? Blah! … Read more
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